Service users and carers involved in research in Hertfordshire
Principal Social Worker, Adult Care Services, Hertfordshire County Council
Social workers and Research Champions from Adult Care Services
10.45 - Introduction- Tendai Murowe, Head of Quality Assurance & Practice Children’s Services, Karen Hastings, Interim Head of Social Work & Safeguarding/AMHP HPFT.
10.50 - Professor Harry Ferguson, Professor of Social Work, Department of Social Work and Social Care, University of Birmingham - The effects of Covid-19 on social work with children and parents. SLIDES
11.25 - Becki Meakin, General Manager, Shaping our Lives-Inclusive Involvement Matters. SLIDES
11.50 - Annemarie Smith and Sean Bolton- - Nothing about us without us – service user and carer involvement in research in Hertfordshire.
12:25 - Dr Tanya Moore- Principal Social Worker, Adult Care Services, Hertfordshire County Council, on her doctorate research findings. SLIDES
Break - 12:50 -13.30.
13.30 - Jo Boyne and Lauren White, HCC ACS - The input of research champions work in ACS. SLIDES
13.55 - Hia Jordan - BAME: Call me by my name; Lived experience of black women leaders in social care. SLIDES
14.15 - George Dzudzor - The Lived Experience of Ghanaian trained Social Workers in England. SLIDES
14.35 - Ros Ezediokwele - The lived experiences of 1st generation West African parents who have had statutory interventions; West African experience of contact with the CP system. SLIDES
14.55 - Dr Echo Yeung- Results of an international and local project on practice educator development. SLIDES
15.20 - Round up - Tanya Moore.
15.30 - Finish.