chool of Health and Social Work

Learning and Teaching Conference 2023

Sharing Innovation in Learning and Teaching

The HSK Learning and Teaching Conference brings together staff to celebrate and share good practice and innovation in learning and teaching in the School of Health and Social Work. The conference was held in LF231 (8th Nov pm) and 1F381 (9th Nov am).

The conference abstract booklet is now ready for download – click here to access it.

Programme for Wednesday, November 8th 2023

Nov, 2023


Opening of 1st day of Conference and Welcome

Prof. Jackie Kelly (Dean of School)


Keynote – The Cognitive Nature of Compassion

Prof. Theo Gilbert (Professor of Learning and Teaching) - Learning and Teaching Innovation Centre & Ann Pettit (Senior Lecturer) -  Anglia Ruskin University


Reflective blogs: How do we encourage deeper reflective practice and assess depth of reflection

Stephanie Wyer (Senior Lecturer) & Lucy Simmons (Senior Lecturer) - Physiotherapy


Misfortune Avenue: Educating paramedics through virtual case-based learning on Thinglink

James Wilkinson (Senior Lecturer) - Paramedic Science


Virtual and on-line learning throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: The experience of Community Children’s Nursing student 

Prof. Mark Whiting (Professor of Community Children's Nursing) & Karen Roberts-Edema QN (Senior Lecturer), Children Nursing


Break & Poster viewing


Unsupervised focus groups: A gateway to the hitherto unheard student voice

Anthony Wheeldon (Senior Lecturer) – Adult Nursing


Sharing of good practice 

Dr Cheryl Holman (Associate Dean Academic Quality Assurance)


Close of 1st day of Conference

Laura Lowe (Associate Dean Learning, Teaching & Student Experience)

Programme for Thursday, November 9th 2023

Nov 9, 2023

Poster viewing


Opening of 2nd day of Conference

Dr. Julia Petty  (Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching)


Placement expansion within Private, Independent and Voluntary Health and Social Care Organizations 

Lynn Quinlivan (Senior Lecturer) – Adult Nursing, Ally Partington (Link Lecturer) – Adult Nursing, Jodie McGarry (Lecturer) – Adult Nursing & Lindsay Turan (Senior Lecturer) – Occupational Therapy


Placement expansion within Virtual hospital ward 

Jodie McGarry (Senior Lecturer) & Lynn Quinlivan (Senior Lecturer) – Adult Nursing; Magnolia Jocson  (Specialist Nurse), Kalpana Giri Ghimire (Lead Nurse for Virtual Hospital),  Charitomeni Konstantinidou (Practice Education Facilitator) - West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust & Sophia Didicus (Nursing Student)


Creating accessible teaching and learning content – it’s everyone’s responsibility

Sally Humphreys (PhD Student) - Nursing


Break & poster viewing



Ecology as pedagogy: Using teaching from nature to enhance hope and engagement in healthcare sustainability education

Georgia Twigg (Senior Lecturer) – Occupational Therapy


Embracing diverse accents in learning and teaching

Dr Echo Yuet Wah Yeung (Associate Professor in Research) & Dr Godfrey Muchena (Senior Lecturer)


Closing address and close of the Conference

Prof. Mairi Watson Pro Vice Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) - Office of the Vice-Chancellor


Poster viewing




Analysing the experiences of undergraduate physiotherapy students transitioning from conventional to e-learning: A phenomenological study

Laura Eccott (Senior Lecturer) - Physiotherapy

Using High-Fidelity Simulation to Teach End of Life Care Skills to Students Studying the BSc Hons Nursing (Children's) programme: A review of the literature.

Louise McLaughlin (Senior Lecturer) - Children Nursing

Experience of Using Non-Native English Accents in Practice Learning

Dr Godfrey Muchena (Senior Lecturer) – Mental Health Nursing and Dr Echo Yuet Wah Yeung (Associate Professor (Research) / Senior Lecturer) - Social Work

Expanding community placements for Pre-registration Nursing, Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy Students within Nursing Home Settings

Ally Partington (Lecturer, Placement Expansion Nursing) and Lynn Quinlivan (Principal Lecturer & Practice Placement Lead) - Nursing

The 2023 HSK COMET project: Enhancing Inclusivity

Mariya Shabbir (Inclusive Education Tutor) - HSK

From online to IRL: making the shift post-pandemic on an occupational therapy degree apprenticeship

Lindsay Truran (Senior Lecturer) - Occupational Therapy

Using podcasting to enhance the experiences of apprentice paramedics in higher education

James Wilkinson (Senior Lecturer) - Paramedic Science














