The KNOWledge, BEhaviours and Skills required of the modern physioTherapy graduate including the future role of practice based learning
Welcome to the KNOWBEST project page. This project was funded by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy as part of their review of the Curriculum Framework for Physiotherapy Pre-registration Qualifying Programmes. The project was carried out independently by the research team at the University of Hertfordshire. The team were Dr Catherine Minns Lowe, Dr Nicola Heneghan, Dr Anthony Herbland, Dr Karen Atkinson and Prof Karen Beeton.
KNOWBEST was commissioned by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy | ![]() |
The project ran from Monday 27th September 2021 to 31st March 2022. It involved five stages:
Month 1: A scoping review of contemporary approaches to practice based learning (including learning through simulation).
Month 2: A content analysis of current role descriptors/job specifications for newly qualified staff; these were then mapped to the behaviours, values, knowledge and skills required for contemporary physiotherapy practice.
Months 3-4: Crowdsourcing data collection from key stakeholders to evaluate the perceived needs (behaviours, values, knowledge and skills) of contemporary physiotherapy graduates.
Month 5: Focus groups with key stakeholders including patients, managers, educators and students to further explore and analyse data from the earlier stages informing recommendations and implementation.
Month 6: Writing up the project report, executive summary and recommendations for the CSP.
The CSP has also commissioned us to produce a toolkit on ‘Simulation’. This work is currently underway (April and May 2022).
We would like to thank everyone who was involved in the project and who gave us their views directly, via the website or social media, attended webinars, discussions, and groups. We are very grateful for your time and help. Thank you very much from the team.